Apr 5, 2008

"Las tontas no van al cielo"

Sabine Moussier so is enamored with its personage of `Marisa' in the "Idiots do not go to the sky "that refuses to that they change the profile to him.
The handsome actress mentioned: “Yes, I am on the verge of crying because honestly they are changing the personage because people feel that a villana makes lack”. “They have changed texts to Me and I am trying to fight and to make it gradual, yes I believe that she must have dignity and to be an example of it, but it is not possible to be returned crazy overnight”.
What yes it knows very clearly, is that all the work that realises the writers, is to give him I publish.
“We are fighting so that this happens to the same intelligence that occurred in all the principle of the novel and that continues liking, I believe that the "Idiots do not go to the sky "is a life example and as so I would like to show `Marisa', if they need a villana I am going to I to give it the unique thing who I ask is that the essence of `is not lost Marisa'", finalized Sabine Moussier.
Speaking of the Idiots they do not go to the sky and of classifications, Sabine Moussier once again is the villana of the story, nothing else that this time the story is ligerito and nothing of crazy people, matonas, kidnappers, narcotics traffickers and others “ attributes ” who usually have the bad ones of the story, this is, assured to us, totally normal and will fight by the love of its fianc2e, from a real perspective. That we liked, because although she changes of hairdo, its villanas began to always seem to us the same, only that with different name. By the way, publishing gentlemen of magazines for horsemen, abstain to call to Sabine to adorn their pages, because he swore to us that never he will put for them because is very laborious. He said that it is not question of which not him of permission his husband, but is a question of values, of education and its answer is definitively no, and watches that they have done to him, for several years, proposals really attempts.

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